Gas Blowback Vs Co2 Airsoft Pistol

Gas Blowback Vs Co2 Airsoft Pistol

It tin seem similar in that location are endless choices to brand when starting airsoft–electric, spring, or gas-powered? Which weight of BB to apply? What form to play? What gear to purchase?

Earlier you get also swept up in it all, let'south talk a piffling more about gas-powered guns. Specifically, the differences between COii and Green Gas.

Ready to acquire more?

Why Cull a Gas Gun?

There are a scattering of reasons you may choose a gas-powered gun over an AEG or a spring-powered gun.

For i, gas-powered guns make seriously realistic-looking and functioning guns, which can be a big draw for those who are looking to do milsim or re-enacting. Gas-powered guns can be semi-automatic or fully automated, like their electric counterparts, which gives them an advantage over single-shot springers.

Blowback gas guns part much like a real firearm, which ways the slide or bolt moves back with each shot. Unfortunately, that action costs these guns in accuracy and power, since the moving slide takes ability away from the shot and the motion of the slide volition affect the accuracy of the shot.

Notwithstanding, non-blowback gas guns can really beat out electric guns in terms of accuracy and power. It all comes downward to that accident-back action.

It's also worth noting that gas guns do require more frequent and more in-depth maintenance, so be sure you're willing to commit to learning it or shelling out for a tech more often.

(Want to do your own tech piece of work? Check out what tools are airsoft toolbox must-haves.)

What'south the Departure Between Green Gas and COtwo?

So, if you lot're thinking you'd similar to give gas guns a try, you're going to run into yet some other conclusion–green gas or COtwo?

You tin can as well notice adaptors that allow you mix your own green gas and apply a regular old propane tank to refill your weapon, which can cut the price even farther.

Green Gas
Green Gas

Light-green gas is the original airsoft propellant, and is made of a mixture of propane and a minuscule amount of silicone oil. It is quite long-lasting, and will usually give yous somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 shots per bottle. It'south as well pretty affordable, coming in around $xv a bottle.

Refilling a Green Gas Magazine
Refilling a Light-green Gas Magazine

All you have to practise is screw on the adaptor, add together a few drops of silicon oil into the valve, and then fill your tanks. Nail! Cheap refills.

Propane Adaptor
Propane Adaptor

COtwo, also known as Blood-red Gas or, y'know, Carbon Dioxide, is as well a pretty common pick. It comes in small cartridges that cost well-nigh $ane a cartridge, and each cartridge will give you somewhere between 50 and threescore shots.

This does make information technology the more expensive of the two options, simply go on reading–perchance yous'll recall it'southward worth it once you lot learn more!

You lot tin can discover the 12g CO2 cartridges at just about any airsoft, paintball, or sporting goods store. Don't mix them upwardly with the cartridges yous can find in the kitchen aisle–while they're also unthreaded cartridges, those COtwo cartridges are a lot smaller and won't fit (or give you as many shots).

CO2 cartridges
CO2 cartridges

Unlike green gas, COii doesn't include whatsoever silicone oil, which ways your gun doesn't benefit from the lubricating effects. This ways you lot'll take to know your way around your gun, and get used to oiling it in betwixt outings.

CO2 Pistol
A CO2 Pistol that holds the cartridge in the magazine.

If y'all endeavour to utilize CO2 in a gun designed for light-green gas, you lot'll likewise run across some issues. CO2 exerts a lot more than pressure than green gas, and the seals won't last long against it. Brand sure you lot have the right propellant for your gun.

Functioning Differences

There are definitely differences in how COtwo and green gas perform, which is why some airsofters may choose one over the other.

CO2 cartridges are under a lot more pressure, which means that you'll get higher muzzle velocities, even with the cheapest, non-blowback pistols.

CO2 vs Green Gas
CO2 vs Green Gas

These guns also take more consistent FPS ratings, fifty-fifty when the gun cools with rapid strings of fire (light-green gas does this also–just similar how the canister gets cold when you use compressed air to make clean your keyboard).

Where green gas really shines, however, is the price. Per shot, greenish gas is the less expensive option, and yous do get the benefit of lubrication with each shot, making maintenance easier. If you go with the propane-and-adaptor method, y'all tin shave the cost down a bit more.

Ownership propellant in bulk is besides a way to save money, no thing which kind yous use.

Green gas is too amend suited to longer matches and games, since it offers many, many, many more shots per charge than a CO2 cartridge, so you won't demand to wrestle with reloading a new cartridge into place every five dozen shots or so.

That does have a pretty big appeal, we gotta say.

We also like that you can superlative off your greenish gas magazines without blowing a whole cartridge, unlike COii.

Which Exercise I Cull: Greenish Gas or CO2?

Desire the TL;DR version? Here it is.

Choose CO2 for more raw power and operation. Price isn't as much of an issue, only you want to decimate the other team, and don't mind reloading often to do it. Maintenance isn't something you heed, which is good–because your gun needs it more often.

Choose green gas for more efficiency and savings. Sure, you lot're not going to accept the same FPS rates as CO2 players, but you'll outlast them with your sweet, sugariness high-capacity mag. Not to mention, you'll notwithstanding have a few extra bucks in your pocket at the finish of the day and y'all won't need to maintain your gun as often.


Gas guns are a blast! There'due south nothing like getting back to the roots of airsoft, and we dearest our blowback guns for their realistic operation.

Personally, we love our green gas guns, since they're easy to use, easy to maintain, and piece of cake to refill. If you're willing to piece of work a petty harder and spend a little more on propellant, then CO2 volition give you the extra boost yous need to dominate on the field.

Practise yous use a gas gun? Which blazon of gas do you lot adopt? Permit the states know nearly information technology in the comments, and don't forget to like Orange Tip Tactical on Facebook !

Gas Blowback Vs Co2 Airsoft Pistol

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